2 days down…

So far so good. I started on Sunday, and I’m still going strong. 1kg down. A few months ago I bought Alli diet pills that are supposed to help you lose weight faster. I’ve been thinking about trying them out too, but I’m a bit scared.

When I was I first diagnosed with Reduced Obese Syndrome, I was put on Orlistat to try to help me lose weight. The thought behind it was that if I didn’t absorb any fat, how could I gain weight? Makes sense, and it did work. The only problem was, the Orlistat made me feel lousy. If the fat isn’t getting absorbed, it needs to find another way to get out of the body. I found myself running to the bathroom at a moments notice. On top of that, it blocks the absorption of minerals that are good for you. That can’t be good.

Alli is Orlistat (but with a nicer name). The dose that I was on was twice as strong as what’s in Alli. Alli is very clear about the need to take a multi-vitamin every night to make up for lost minerals. They suggest taking the pills before each meal. I don’t eat a large breakfast, so I’ll skip that dose and only take it with lunch. If I fare well, I can always add on dinner. We’ll see how it goes. Just taking it one day at a time…

May 19, 2009. Tags: , , , . health, Weight Loss. 2 comments.